Natural flea and tick remedies that avoid exposure to toxic chemicals

Monday, September 17, 2018 by

When it comes to pet care, fleas and ticks are some of the most annoying problems that you may have to deal with. These parasites spell bad news for your pets – particularly dogs and cats – because they cause diseases, itching, and skin damage and infections.

There are different pet care products that can get rid of fleas and ticks, but they are linked to negative side effects. This is one reason why concerned pet owners prefer to use homeopathic flea and tick remedies instead. Thankfully, there are safe home remedies that you can use to keep these pests off of your four-legged pals.

Homeopathic remedies are natural treatments that are safer to use because, unlike store-bought medications, they don’t contain harsh chemicals or other toxic ingredients.

If your pet has fleas or ticks, try some of the remedies listed below.

  • Black walnut hulls – Black walnut trees produce a natural acidic insecticide called juglone that seeps from the tree’s leaves and roots then permeate the nut hulls. The acid from the juglone inside the hulls helps repel fleas. Black walnut hulls are available in capsule or liquid form.
  • Brewer’s yeast – Brewer’s yeast, a popular natural supplement, can be combined with garlic to make an effective flea home remedy. Brewer’s yeast is sold in both powder and tablet form. The correct dose depends on the form of yeast that you use. For the powdered form, the recommended amount is half a teaspoon per pound of body weight. For tablets, follow the dose directions on the product label.
  • Cedar oil – Cedar oil is a natural repellent for nasty ticks. To get rid of ticks, apply cedar oil on tick-infested areas on your dog. Do not spray the oil into your pet’s face and eyes. Take a soft cloth, spray some of the oil on it, then carefully wipe the cloth around your dog’s face.
  • Citrus – To prepare a natural tick repellent oil from citrus fruits, take some organic lemon or orange peels then boil them. Let the mixture cool, then apply it directly to any affected areas on your dog.
  • Garlic – Fleas hate the taste of garlic, and one way of protecting your dog from fleas is feeding him some garlic. This makes his blood inedible to the parasites. Garlic is available in pill form, but using garlic cloves or powder is more effective. Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, and author of “The New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats,” explained that the recommended amount for dogs (per pound, per day) is as follows: 10 to 15 pounds = half a clove of garlic, 20 to 40 pounds = one clove, 45 to 70 pounds = two cloves, 75 to 90 pounds = two and a half cloves, and 100 pounds and over = three cloves. Take note that you can’t feed garlic to a dog with a pre-existing anemic condition. (Related: Natural remedies for keeping creepy crawlies off people, pets and livestock.)
  • Sulfur – Dietary sulfur is a crucial nutrient. Sulfur, a component of various amino acids, is also a natural flea repellent. Once ingested, sulfur creates a scent on the skin of dogs that keeps fleas away. Sulfur can be given in either liquid or tablet form. Mix dietary sulfur into dog food or administer it orally.

Even products labeled “natural” are not always safe. Check the label carefully for dosage directions and always monitor your dog after using a homeopathic medication. Consult a veterinarian before using any of the remedies above to ensure that it is safe for your pet and that it won’t cause any negative side effects. Ask if the remedy you plan on using could affect your pet’s allergies or other pre-existing conditions.

Try some of these natural remedies to keep harmful parasites like fleas and ticks off of your furry best friends.

Read more articles about natural flea and tick home remedies for your pets at

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